“Marklan’s manual therapy has been truly life changing, even life saving, for my patients who have needed the release of adhesions formed after surgery. Thanks to his visceral work, their pain is resolved and organ function restored, eliminating the need for further surgery.”
— Kristen Plunkett, local Naturopath
“As a bodyworker and an instructor of martial arts, I have found Marklan’s work to be tremendously beneficial. He is able to work very precisely with structure and energy, to relieve pain, restore mobility and strength where it has been compromised.”
— Jack Brown, local massage therapist
“I have worked with Marklan Linnemeyer, LMT since 2006. He has helped many of my patients with a multitude of problems. Amongst the varied diagnoses he has helped me treat and to credit him, cure, he has been working with my patients who have had problems with adhesions. When I have a patient who’s body has aggressively formed scar tissue after a surgical procedure, causing them to suffer pain and limitation, I know of no better solution than the type of manual therapy offered by Marklan. His approach considers the individuality of each patient, the specific tensional pattern presented by their body, and the most non-invasive approach to assist in the release of that pattern. I recommend that you consider him as a treatment option for these difficult to treat patients.”
— Heather Kahn, M.D.
“After my hip pain was not responding to chiropractics or massage, my massage therapist referred me to Marklan. He was able to quickly resolve the problem without any drama. He has been able to help me with a number of challenges and I see him regularly for tune ups. My racquetball game has never been better!”
— Gail Werden
“I have received numerous successful healing sessions with Marklan over the past four years. His sensitivity always seems to know where and how to apply the energy with which he works. Immediately after having surgery two years ago, he worked on me weekly and my surgeon was amazed at my swift recovery.”
“It is such a blessing to have Marklan providing CranioSacral Therapy, for mothers and their newborns, in southern Oregon. Especially when a mother and baby have a quick, prolonged or complicated birth process, I always hope they are able to experience CranioSacral treatment soon afterward. For the newborn, the relief of physical tensions on the central nervous system is a tremendous gift at the beginning of life.”
— Rhione Zeixchel Midwife of 30 Years, Three Sisters Midwifery
“For many months, a torn rotator cuff was keeping me in so much pain, I could barely lift my arm at all. Surgery was not an option. My acupuncturist referred me to Marklan for manual therapy. I could barely tolerate any physical touch to my shoulder but he was able to work very gently. With each treatment, my pain level was decreasing and I was able to lift my arm more and more. I am now dancing again every week and able to reach into the kitchen cupboards over my head! He has since helped me heal from a bad fall, and I see him each month for what I call my ‘tune-up.’”
— Irene Stein, 98 years young
“In a car accident, my jaw was broken in two places and I lost several teeth. The healing was slow and I was experiencing very limited range of motion when opening my jaw, misalignment of my upper and lower teeth, and a lot of pain in my TMJ, jaw and remaining teeth. My doctor referred me to Marklan for CranioSacral Therapy. The work was very relaxing and my pain was quickly reduced. After several months of treatment, my bite is now aligned, my range of motion restored and I am free of pain. I honestly do not know what I would have done if I had not found Marklan’s work.”